Theory of Filtration.


  • The flow of any liquid through any porous medium offers a resistance to its flow. The rate of filtration in such cases is expressed as:

  • Filtration Rate= Driving force/Resistance by filter medium

  • Rate is expressed as the volume of filtrate per unit time (dv/dt) and gets affected by various factors,

  • It can be explained by,

    • Kozeny-Carman Equation.

    • Darcy's Equation.

    • Poisulle’s Equation.

  1. Poisulle’s Equation:

  • Poiseullie considered that filtration is similar to the streamline flow of liquid under pressure through capillaries.

  • Poiseullie's Equation is

  • Where, 

  • V = rate of flow, m³/s (l/s)

  • AP= Pressure difference across the filter, Pa

  • r = radius of capillary in the filter bed, m

  • L = thickness of filter cake (capillary length), m

  • n = viscosity of filtrate, Pa.s

  • If the cake is composed of a bulky mass of particles and the liquid flows through the interstice, then flow of liquids through these may be expressed by this equation.

  1. Darcy’s Equation:

  • Poiseullie's law assumes that the capillaries found in the filter are highly irregular and non-uniform.

  • Therefore, if the length of capillary is taken as the thickness of bed, a correction factor for radius is applied so that the rate is closely approximated and simplified.

  • The factors influencing the rate of filtration has been incorporated into an equation by Darcy, which is:

  • Where, K = permeability coefficient of cake, m² 

  • A= surface area of porous bed (filter medium), m² 

  • Other terms are same as the previous equation.

  • K depends on characteristics of cake, such as porosity, specific surface area and compressibility.

  • Other terms are same as previous equation

  • Permeability may be defined quantitatively as the flow rate of a liquid of unit viscosity across a unit area of cake having unit thickness under a pressure gradient of unity.

  • This equation is valid for liquids flowing through sand, glass beds and various porous media.

  • This model is applied to filter beds or cakes and other types of depth filter.

  • This equation is further modified by including characteristics of K by Kozeny-Carman.

  1. Kozeny-Carman Equation:

  • The Kozeny-Carman equation is widely used for filtration.

  • Where,

  • ε = porosity of cake (bed)

  • S = specific surface area of particles comprising the cake m²/m³

  • K = Kozeny constant (usually taken as 5) Other terms are same as previous equations

  • Limitations:

  • It does not consider the fact that depth of granular bed is lesser than the actual path traversed by the fluid.

  • The actual path is not the same throughout the bed, but it is sinuous or tortuous.

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