Semen: Male Ejaculate.


  • Male ejaculate is called “Semen”.

  • Composition:

    • It is a mixture of sperm and secretion of seminal vesicles, prostate and cowper’s gland.

    • The bulk of semen (60%) is formed by secretion of Seminal vesicles.

  • Volume:

    • Each ejaculation contains approximately 2.5 ml to 5 ml of semen (50-150 Million Sperms).

    • Oligospermia (Low Sperm Count): 15 million sperm per millilitre of semen.

    • Azoospermia: Complete absence of sperms in semen.

  • Appearance:

    • Color: White-Milky White.

    • Consistency: Viscous sticky.

    • pH: 7.2-7.7.

  • The color of semen is due to prostatic secretions while consistency and stickiness is due to cowper's gland and seminal vesicle secretions.

  • Semen contains many different chemicals viz. Hormones, nutrients and other compounds.

  • Fructose present in semen acts as a source of energy for sperm.

  • Seminalplasmin, an antibacterial substance found in semen prevents it from microbial attack from the flora of the pathway that is in male urethra and female reproductive tract.

  • After ejaculation it coagulates within 5 minutes and then decoagulates and becomes fluidy again. (Necessary for fructose utilization by sperms).

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